- How do we tell the difference between the primary doctrines and the secondary doctrines?
- What is orthodox? What is true? How can we help each-other follow truth?
- Do we follow commands to purify or unite?
- What are common fights Christians have?
- What are we together for?
- What must we agree upon?
- What may we disagree about?
- How can we disagree well?
- False teachings will come - we must be on our guard.
- How do we stay on our guard?
- We can be too exclusive OR too inclusive in our view of doctrine.
- Truth and humility are friends.
- Anything other than the truth flatters us. We need to know the truth to be truly humble.
- What does cooperation mean?
^4. What must we agree upon?
- We should pursue truth in every area.
- True fellowship can only be had with Christians. We must have the same sort of understanding.
- We must understand the importance of the doctrines. Like the body, some parts we can do without...and some we can't.
- How can we decide what we must agree upon?
- Through the Bible.
- Through the church. (We are not to be "orphans".) Galatians 1:8-9
- Through our conscience. Note: Our conscience is not always accurate. It is inherant, but not inerrant. We need our consciences to be taught by God's Word.
TEST: How Important is This Doctrine?
^2. The Bible is God revealing himself.
^3. We must agree on the gospel. Without this understanding, we couldn't uphold the truth on the triune godhead.
- How clear is it in scripture?
- How clear do others think it is in scripture?
- How near is it to the gospel?
- What would the effects be if we disagreed in this area?
- John 8:24, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
- Godlessness and falsehood go together.
- We must agree on 3 things:
- God.
- The Bible.
- The gospel.
^2. The Bible is God revealing himself.
^3. We must agree on the gospel. Without this understanding, we couldn't uphold the truth on the triune godhead.
- If you uphold the cross, the gospel appeaers there.
- If they don't believe in the gospel, and don't believe in Christ alone, they aren't Christians.
- Practice sharing the good news with friends.
- Share the gospel with others. (Acts 15:30-31)
- You CAN have disagreements. You can still be Christians and disagree on secondary doctrines. (Romans 14:22)
- You can work together with another believer as long as you aren't distracted by your disagreements.
- The Lord may let us have disagreements so we can practice charity.
- How can we disagree well?
- What do I owe the person who differs from me? I owe them love, respect, genuine care for them, to listen well, and to go beyond what they said to what they mean.
- What can I learn from the person I am differing with? Without humility, we can't learn. (Greeks said that the opposite of a friend was a flatterer.)
- We are to be a witness of the gospel. We are to be known as "for" the gospel first (before we are know as "against" something).
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